New York Times Daily Crosswords 2024 Desk Calendar

New York Times Daily Crosswords 2024 Desk Calendar
The best New York Times daily crosswords, every day of the year. It's the original and still the exemplar of crossword. First published during WWII as an entertaining diversion for war weary readers, The New York Times Crossword puzzles continue to stand apart for their editorial integrity, clever construction, compelling subject matter, and perfect balance of toughness and solvability. Edited by Times crossword editor and NPR Puzzlemaster Will Shortz, this calendar features a daily puzzle that upholds the standards and history you expect. The week begins with simpler puzzles to ease you in, then the crosswords become progressively more difficult every day. But if you get stuck, no worries you'll find the solution printed on the reverse of the page. Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.